Friday, September 30, 2011

Putrajaya & Bukit Tinggi 2010

21 - 26 March 2010

From Day 2 onwards, while the guys except Khairee went for golf, the ladies went sightseeing around Putrajaya. We also stayed at Bukit tinggi and took a day trip to Genting.  See pics below:-

Hotel Marriotte Putrajaya

Masjid Putrajaya - berkesempatan solat di masjid ini
Masjid Besi

outside Putrajaya masjid - waiting for driver

sempat solat di Masjid Besi - alhamdulillah Mar 2010

makan satay kajang

Bukit Tinggi



Putrajaya IOI Resort

Sight seeing at Putrjaya
We went on that boat cruide as well

baru sampai

Japanese Garden at Bukit Tinggi

Rabbit farm at Bukit Tinggi

Genting - Khairee, Alimin, Amalina
Aqeel, Amalina, Amira - Flume ride
This was the year before Amira went for her further studies in UK in September.

Ya Allah, KAU limpahkan lah rahmat mu kepada kami.  KAU berkati lah hidup kami dunia akhirat.  Amin

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Amirul - Bon Voyage


Among the cousins of my children from my husband side, my daughter, Amira, is the oldest amongst them.  Last friday 23rd Sep Amira left for her second year study.  Tonite 28th Sep 2011, Amirul, the second eldest amongst the cousins,  is leaving for his studies in Hull.

To Amirul,
Mak Ngah dan keluarga doakan semoga Amirul berjaya dunia akhirat,

Jangan tinggal solat,

Tetap iman, jadi anak yang soleh.

Semuga Amirul dalam perlindungan Allah.

Amin yarabbal alamin.

Amirul, Nasuhaa, Affan - 16 Jul 2011 (1st project)

Below are the pics to remember us by:

Sungkai at Mak Uda's house - watching the 1st video they did

Sungkai at Holiday Lodge - 2nd August 2011

Berhari raya and playing fireworks at Bail L'Ahlam Lumut - 11th Sep 2011

23 Sep 2011 - at Amirul house

At airport 28 Sep 2011 - Amirul, Pak Wa, Atiyah's departure

Khairee, Haziq, bapa Haziq

Wafaa, Amirul, Aqeel, Khairee

Aqeel, Khairee, Affan

Nasreen, Asqeyah, Amal, Wafaa, Nasuhaa

all cousins for group pic

Khairee, Amirul, Affan - The 3 Musketeers

Khairee, Amirul, Aqeel, Nasreen

Take care!!

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

1st Haji 1430/2009

Allahu Akbar.  Allahu Akbar.  Allahu Akbar.

2009 - My first haj with husband. Syukur ke hadrat mu ya Allah. Alhamdulillah tercapai juga impian ke rumah Mu Ya Allah.  Rindu dendam untuk ke sana hanya ENGKAU yang maha mengetahui Ya Allah.  I was really excited as I have waited for as long as I can remember and finally 2009 was the year.   Jemputan dari NYA.  I remember every time during the Haj season, if any of my friends or family go, I would be the first to ask of their experiences, the dos and don'ts etc.  I am always excited when people talked about Haj or umrah.  I never get bored or tired of the stories that people told me.

The same year my closest friend Hjh Sam went for the Haj with her brother Azhar & family. Hjh Andrina (my colleague) also went with her parents. What makes this trip more memorable was that it was our 20th wedding anniversary.  It was also our birthdays.  I celebrated my birthday in both Madinah and Makkah on 13 Nov as that was the day we travelled to Mekah. My husband celebrated his birthday during wukuf the same day as Hjh Andrina while Hjh Sam's birthday was the day after wukuf i.e. on 27th nov. See pics below the highlights of the trip.  It is still fresh in my mind.  Can't wait to go there again.  I wish we could live there.  May Allah grant our wishes, insya Allah.

Maha suci Allah! Sesungguhnya kepadaMU lah kami berserah, kami mohon taufiq dan hidayah MU.  Kami mohon keredhaan Mu.
Ya Allah, kau terima lah taubat kami. Kami mohon haji yang mabrur, kami mohon syurga firdaus Mu, kami mohon di jauhkan daripada fitnah hidup, fitnah mati, fitnah kubur, fitnah dajal, fitnah azab kubur and azab api neraka. Ya Allah, KAU ampunkan lah dosa kedua orang tuaku, rahmatilah mereka sebagaimana mereka telah memelihara ku sejak kecil lagi dan tempatkan lah mereka bersama dengan orang orang yang soleh dan beriman.

Ya Allah, ampunkan dosa ku, dosa suami ku, dosa anak anak ku, guru guru ku serta para muslimin dan muslimat, mukminin dan mukminat baik yang hidup maupun yang sudah mati.

Ya Allah, berikan kami kesehatan tubuh badan, kelapangan dan murahkan rezeki kami agar dapat jemputan lagi bagi menunaikan fardhu haji dan umrah di waktu yang terdekat. KAU mudahkan lah semua urusan kami dan kurniakanlah kami anak anak yang soleh dan solehah yang berjaya dunia dan akhirat. Ketemukan lah mereka dengan jodoh orang orang yang soleh. Amin amin yarabbal alamin.

13 November 2009 - Last day ziarah Makan Nabi s.a.w. - my 48 birthday

13 Nov 2009 - last day ziarah makam Nabi saw - Sebak sekali.

Bir Ali - 13 Novemer 2009

ketika nak bertolak, hati tak henti henti bertalbiah dan memohon Allah permudahkan segalanya

Semasa haji & umrah- my favourite place & view.  Kalau tak tengok Multazam tak sah rasanya.

Tempat favourite untuk solat mesti berdepan dengan Multazam - Rindu nya

Tiang untuk kereta api/monorail yg belum siap semasa lawatan di Arafah dan Mina

Come to think of it, if I had gone many years earlier, spiritually I wouldn't have been well prepared (ilmu masih cetek) and the trip wouldn't have been my utmost best i.e. I would definitely have many regrets (ilmu haji tak cukup).

Alhamdulillah, Allah knows best.  We got the special invitation from Allah on our anniversary.  HE made sure that this trip will be a very special moment for us which is to be treasured for life. Thank you Allah.

Every year before the month of Zulhijjah, a special program will be aired on TV.  So I learned a alot from this as well.  Alhamdulillah through a friend I came  to know of the buku Travelog Haji: Mengubah Sempadan Iman written by Prof Dr Muhd Kamil Ibrahim of which  I came to know about him from TV before reading his book.  I also read Haji Muda by Dr Ridzwan Bakar. I have read many books but these two books have helped me to be more prepared of what to expect before, during; and what to become after I came back from haj.

Ya Allah, KAU terimalah amal ibadat kami.  Kami menanti jemputan MU lagi Ya Allah.  Perkenankanlah.

Semoga Allah memberkati dan merahmati mereka mereka yang berkongsi ilmu baik melalui buku, face to face, melalui TV dan sebagainya.  Amin

Selamat Hari Raya Aidil Fitri 2011


Ini lah dia gambar semasa menyambut Aidil Fitri 2011.

1st day Hari Raya Aidil Fitri - Ziarah kubur ayah 31hb Ogos 2011

suasuasa di kuburan

Rumah nenek Lumut 

Rumah nenek seria

2nd day Hari Raya Aidil Fitri 

sebelum bertolak menziarah sanak saudara di ibu kota

rumah mak uda

rumah mak wa

3rd day raya

this house we went to has a very steep hill

Masjid Jamik

See you again next year kakak when you come home during holidays.  Missing you!!!