Sunday, March 27, 2011


Khairee 1+ year

Port Harcourt 1998 - Rumukuroshe club

The third among the sibllings, you weigh 2.55kg, 48cm in length and born on 25 March 1995 (23 Syawal 1415 hijrah) at 0239 hours.  You are the third heaviest and longest among yuor siblings.  Your are now 16 years of age.

I had early contractions than expected and your dad rushed us to the hospital.  I was admitted straight away at the maternity ward and the sister brought the ECG to monitor the baby.  When I saw the graph on the monitor, there were supposed to be two lines but there were only one.  This I noticed every time the contractions appeard.  The sister brought the IV drip.  I asked, "Why?"  She said, "precaution."  I already felt something was wrong but dismissed the thought.

After examing me, they found out the placenta cord was at the opening.  So they asked me to lay down on my left side (facing the wall) hoping that the cord will move to the side eventually.

I think it was only about 15 minutes then, when I heard footsteps running.  All the nurses were rushing here and there.  I called out to them to ask why.  They said, "We had emergency."  In those days, whenever there were any casualties or emergencies, all the nurses in the maternity ward would handle the situation.

Since I laid on my side and facing the wall, I couldn't see them but I just shouted to them not to leave me alone.  They said, "Don't worry.  It is ok." I found out that, that nite there were car accidents involving how many cars I don't know.  One family (a family of 8 or 9) who were involved in the accidents had serious fatalities (2 died, 2 had to be sent by chopper to Hospital in the capital), others at the operating theatre emergency and some at the next ward.  All the doctors were called out to attend to the emergency.  Every now and then one of the nurses took turn to check on me.

It was the longest night for me as I was wondering and wondering...hardly sleeping during the nite.  I saw the nurses and doctors came to the maternity ward after they had taken care of the emergency.  I saw them talking then the doctor came to check on me.

He told me at my condition they would performed the C-section the same morning.  If they didn't do it soon my baby would not survive as it lacked oxygen every time the contractions started due to the head was pinning on the cord.  I then asked them to informed my husband.  I could only pray that everything would be alright.

They prepared me for the emergency and pushed me to the operating theatre. So it was at 0239 hours that you, Khairee, were born after all the chaos during the nite.  It really scared me.  I woke up around 9am and your dad was near my bed.  I asked about the baby?  Your dad said: "It was a healthy baby boy."  I was so thankful.  I didn't get to see you immediately and just trusted your dad's words.  But when I finally saw you later that day, you were so cute and your head was fully rounded.  You looked so calm.  We were both lucky as all the docotrs were there to bring you to this world that particular morning.  A blessing in disguise.  But my heart goes to those families who lost their loved ones.

Semoga menjadi anak yang soleh, dalam perlindungan Allah, di permudahkan semua urusan, di pertemukan jodoh dengan orang yang solehan, dalam rahmat dan perlindongan Allah dan selamat dunia akhirat.  amin

Friday, March 25, 2011

Happy Birthday Khairee

~  Happy 16 Birthday  ~

~  To my dearest Khairee  ~

Port Harcourt 1998, Nanny Elisabeth

7 Ibotio Rumukuroshe - Never Never Land (Hook, Tinkerbell, Peter Pan)

~  Hope your birthday blossoms into lots of dreams come true!  ~

~  Wishing you all the great things in life, hope this day will bring you an extra share of all that makes you happiest.  ~

  ~Di doakan semoga tetap iman, jadi anak yang soleh  ~

~  Di permudahkan semua urusan  ~

  ~Di panjang umur dapat beribadat kepada Allah  ~

~  Di murahkan rezeki  ~

~  Berjaya dan selamat dunia dan akhirat  ~

~  Dalam Rahmat dan perlindungan Allah  ~

~  Amin  ~


Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Public service

Lately, I have been not feeling well as my body was aching all over.  Now I had sore throat.  I am writing to share with you what I went through when I need information etc from a public service department.  I called first to make sure when I go it will be the right department.  There is no point for me to bring my mom in her wheel chair and come back empty handed...She is 83 years old this year. have experienced it?

You see, my mom received a letter to collect something from one public sector office last week.  On that letter it gave a unit number and a reference number.  This was issued by another department.  To collect it you need to go to another department.  But no phone number was given for me to contact or where to collect it.  Since I was asked to handle this, I contacted one number (the dept concerned) thinking that it would be the correct one as this was the department which was mentioned to me to contact once I received that letter.   But unfornately you can never get the right answer first time.

After I called one number, I was told to call another number.  I called the number given.  It was either engaged or nobody answering it.  These were the signs that you know it would be a long day.  I got so frustrated.  I redialled the number and managed to talk to someone and gave them the data required.  After hearing what I said, I was asked to contact another number.  They were polite on the phone but somehow unable to help me.  I was given another to called - again.  This time while they checked with the data I gave, I was hanging on there for more than 15 minutes.  I could hear the lady asking her colleague, where is this..where is that?   OMG...How can this be even happening?  You are a public service department, how could you let your customer waited on you? Haven't you gone to training on this kind of thing?  The least she could do was, either tell the customer, "Can I get back to you" or "Can I have your number and call you back once I've checked?"  But have to wait....tick tock..tick tock...Once she got back to me, she asked me to contact another number again.  What a waste of time.

In between these, I talked to and called 8 different numbers.  Finally, I gave up and called the one department that issued the letter and finally they gave me a number.  The number given was the number I called correctly earlier.  hmmmm.....Another dead end!!  What do I need to do to get the right one???  aahhhhhh.....After 4 hours of doing this and my BP was raising, I really wanted to shout and scream.  In the end, I told myself I would try to contact them next week.

I contacted them just now.  Still I am being asked to call this number and that number...why..why..why..can't they give me the right one?????

I called the department whom issued the letter to help me to get the right person in the department concern for me to take the letter to.  I am still waiting from the guy who is helpful enough to call that certain department on my behalf as the letter was issued from that guy's office...He will try to get the log number for me.  I am still waiting for his call.....still waiting..... Hope it is good news.....  That was yesterday...

Today I got the log number...Thank you to the guy who is so helpful....He is customer orientated.  To me, he is The Good Worker of the month.  Five Star to him!!

I am trying to call the number and tell them the log number..But it was either engaged and/or no answer....I called 5 times already....Here we go again........

moral of the story:
when you know that you are going to call any public office (coming from where I am now), make sure you tell yourself to be patient and calm.....sabar......sabar.........sabar

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

What If...

I was attending my daughter's dance performance - Sunset Silhouette on Sunday 13 March 2011.  It is a yearly event and the performance is always held at the beach.  This dance performance comprises more of hip hop and a little bit of ballet.  The performances are always very colorful and entertaining (I was unable to upload the pics).  The xmas dance would be both hip hop and ballet. 

After taking my daughter Nasreen for her costume change, I took picture of her in her American Indian costume.  When she queued up for her face painting, I went to sit with my daughter Aqeel.  It was hot and the sun was shining so bright.  Unlike the day before it was raining none stop.  The performances were supposed to start the day before but it was postponed due to the rain.  I took pictures of the banner then the stage.  It was high tide but the water was below the lower part of the back of the stage.  People were already there from 2pm to take a better seat for the show.  We sat just in front of the stage.  So we had to endure the hot sun, while waiting for the show to start at 3pm.  I wore a big hat which Nasreen bought for me when we were in KK.  Aqeel sat with her umbrella.

The opening of the show was so full of colors.  All were entertained by the show.  It was in the middle of the show while taking pictures that I suddenly realised and remembered about Japan's earthquake disaster and the tsunami.  I looked at the big ocean in front of us.  The sea was calm with a few waves hitting the beach.  I think everybody is still shaken by the Tsunami in Japan though we didn't experience it in our country.  But watching the news was just scary enough for me.  No matter how strong the buildings are (those which are man made), there is no comparison when natural disaster strikes.  Nothing can stop it when it comes and everything on its path was destroyed.  Masya Allah.

My mind was working over time wondering... what if....what if..... What if tsunami came there and then while watching the performance?  What would be my reactions?  Which daughter should I grab first?  Do I panic?  Do I run?  Do I freeze?  What would happen to those kids who were performing?  Some as small as 5 years old and oldest being 18 and of course adults.  So many things came to mind.  I pictured in my mind the big 30 foot waves coming on top of the stage and over me....Ya Allah, I don't want to experience this..I don't want to die.....not this way anyway...Amal ku belum cukup Ya Allah....

With these things happening and so may lives lost, my prayers go to those in Japan.  I also thank Allah for keeping us and our country safe from these disasters.  I pray for us all to be  blessed by Allah.

Ya Allah jadikan lah sebaik baik hari hari ku sebagai hari perjumpaan ku dengan mu,

Ya Allah jadikan lah sebaik baik umurku sebagai hari hari yg terakhir,

Ya Allah jadikan lah sebaik  baik amalku sebagai penuntup amal ku.

Ya Allah jadikanlah aku orang yang sentiasa ingat pada MU

YaAllah jadikanlah aku sebaik-baik hamba yang mengabdikan diri kepada MU

YaAllah jadikanlah aku hamba yang sentiasa mensyukuri nikmat MU


Friday, March 11, 2011

1st Umrah 1430/2009

As Salam,
Maha Suci Allah Yang Maha Mendengar lagi Maha mengasihani

Thank you Allah for granting my prayers.  2009 was a big milestone for my family especially ME as this was our first umrah trip as a family.  Going with us were mak Usu, nenek seria, Mak Iring, Mak  Amit and Wafaa (12 altogether).  Can't described the excitement!

Madain Salleh
Mammoth -

Raudah Masjid Nabawi

Bir Ali

Inside Bir Ali
Bir Ali - Masjid Quba
Gunung Uhud- Makam Syaidina Hamzah r.a
Khairee - Masjid Nabawi Madinah
Bapa in Masjid Nabawi

Khairee & Bapa - Masjid Nabawi Madinah - 25/03/2009
 Khairee's 14 birthday celebrated with doa kesyukuran in Raudah at Masjid Nabawi Madinah.  This was also the day we travelled to Makkah to do our 1st Umrah.  So Khairee celebrated his birthday both in Madinah and Makkah.  May you treasured this for the rest of your life Khairee (I know we all are).  Thank you to our Mutawif who was willing to read the doa kesyukuran.
Masjidil Haram Makkah after Saie - our 1st umrah done 

Nasreen, Khairee and Wafaa resting after saie

rindu sekalinak ke sini lagi
Group pic after our 1st Umrah outside Masjidil Haram Makah- alhamdulillah

The above pics were taken after we did our first umrah, first time setting our feet and entering Masjidil Haram in Makkah. Our very first umrah pilgrimage for my family. We still have many days to spend there after that.  Funny that pictures can be taken in Masjidil Haram Makkah while it was forbidden to take in Masjid Nabawi Madinah.  My husband managed to take some with his hand phone.  I didn't even dare to bring my handphone in Masjid Nabawi because one day I saw a Turkish old lady who took pictures inside the masjid, it was taken by the police lady. 

I thank Allah to have granted me this passage to do our umrah after so many years of duas and wish for this trip to be realised. No words can describe how I felt.  I still feel its a dream that I was there.

Ya Allah beri kami kesihatan rohani dan jasmani
Permudahkan segala urusan kami 
Limpah kan lah rezeki kepada kami agar dapat jemputan ke rumah Mu lagi

Thursday, March 10, 2011


While thinking of writing what to write, one word came to my mind i.e "syukur" or "thankful".  You see, there were so many "might have been..." or "occurances" in my live.  You will know what I meant after you read what I have written below.

First story:

Why the above ship? Well, I tried to find the cargo ship called Kimanis (as per what my sister told me) which we travelled on (my mom, sisters and a brother) to Kucing, Sarawak.  My dad and elder brother didn't travelled with us due to my brother was at school.  I don't know whether it was the same ship, but let's it just leave it there for the sake of my story and for your mind to wonder.

You see, at that time I was around 2 years of age.  We went there to visit my mother's side of the families. During that time, the travelled took weeks and/or months.  And according to my sister they were sleeping on deck sharing with everybody (no cabins and don't know at what level), the cheapest probably.  You can easily get to know people around you and to entertain themselves, they were people who brought guitars, etc on board.  So these so called entertainers, asked my sisters (age 6 and 4 years) to dance whenever they played music.  On this particular occasion they danced to the twist!  After the performance, the two of them followed one of the guy to the cargo areas to see the animals (e.g. buffaloes, cow, goats, chickens, ducks, etc).  I was not allowed to go as I was still small.  Finally, when I saw them coming out on top of the stairs after the tour, I followed them.  I told them "Laut!  Laut!".  I was excited because I wanted to see the big ocean.

At the same time, my sister heard on the speaker that we were to reach the port soon.  Following behind my sisters I wonder to the rail and hold the rope with both hands to see the big ocean.  Somehow when my sister turned around and saw me, I was already hanging on to the rope with one hand only and was danggling and swaying. My sister panic and called for help.  Luckily a chinese guy passed by who was happily humming a song.  My sister said he said something in chinese #%$@ (ayo ..yo..maybe??) when he saw me dangling.  He helped to pull me back in.  It was chaos by then and my 4 year old sister told my mom about the incident.  The incident that day was the talk of the nite.  After that incident, both my sisters were never allowed to walk about on the ship until we reached our destination.  All this time, my elder sister (13 years of age) never left the deck because she was seasick.

Second story:

example of how the houses looked like
Don't know how many days after we reached Kucing Sarawak, we were staying with my aunty (my mom youngest sister).  The pic above is considered a good structure, but in those days, the steps to go up to the house was wide apart like the Long House style.  One day, I wanted to go down the stairs.  My mom went out to visit her other relatives.  My aunt and sisters were left to look after us.  They were playing inside and didn't realised I had wondered out to the stairs.  I probably misplaced my footing (I was 2 remember?), I feel down through the stairs to the muddy swampy ground.  They heard me crying and everyone rushed outside to get me.  I was lucky because it was low tide then and there were no pointed tree trunks, sharp objects, snakes or crocodiles.  In those area, my sister said there were crocodiles and snakes around.  My sister said during out stay there, she ever saw during high tide, a python was swept away by the strong current.  She also saw a crocodile under the house during low tide.  The houses in those days were built near the river for easy acces to water.  My mom was angry and she punished my sisters.  When we left Kucing, my uncle followed and accompanied us back (so that I didn't fall again).  When my dad knew of this, they organised a thanks giving ceremony for our safe return. 

Third story:

Whenever my father was free he would bring us to Miri to visit his side of the family.  And we used to have this landrover (the green type) which my father drove to go there.  One time, I was sitting at the back with my siblings and didn't hold on to anything.  As the road was sandy and wavy, most of us would be thrown up, down and sideways.  Of course for kids, this was fun!  At one time, I was sitting at the far end, I  nearly felt from the land rover.  Somehow one way or the other I have these near misses.  Of course my sisters were blame for not taking care of me.  And during our trip, whenever my father noticed that we quarrelled in the car, even though he already drove half way or near the destination, he would just simply turned the car around and went home.  Then we would all be quiet all the way.

Fourth Story:

When I was a child (maybe 6 or 8 years of age), my great grandmother (my dad called her nek Pasah) passed away.

As far as I can remember was that I have this memory of being under water, but I couldn't recall the whole story.  Only recently my sister told me that when we went to our great grand mother's funeral, my eldest sister wanted to go to the bridge behind the house at Kampong Baru in Miri.  She and one of our relative wanted to see the dead buffalo in the river.  My 2nd sister followed her.  I heard of it and I wanted to follow too.  My 2nd sister was asked to look after me.

So we went to the bridge, it was high tide and we went till the far end of the bridge near to the deeper end of the river.  While my eldest sister were standing and talking with our relative, my 2nd sister and I sat down.  My feet touched the murky water.  My sister said, I kept trying to reach out to touch the water and she kept on telling me not to do it.  Somehow I think I over stretched, then splash.....and I felt into the river.  My sister said she saw my feet kicking trying to keep afloat ( I didnt' know how to swim yet). 

Several times I went under water and I opened my eyes.  I could see in the murky water the dead buffalo being swept away slowly by the current which my sisters were talking about. I didn't know what happen to my sisters up on the bridge (must be panicking and screaming).  She told me they kept a look out for my head, and when they saw my head, they grabbed my hair.  They tried several times.  They tooked me back to the house and after I was bathed, we went home.  All I know my 2nd sister was scolded and punished by my eldest sister.  My mom punished them both.  My dad were also angry with both my sisters.

Fifth story:

During school holidays my father would bring us to visit places of interest in the capital e.g museum etc.  I remember we were in a car in the capital.  I was sitting behind the driver.  My dad normally didn't drive fast.  Somehow on one of the corner, when he turned left suddenly my door swung open.  In those days there were no seat belts.  I was nearly thrown out of the car if it had not been for someone who grabbed me.  I was terrified.  If I had fallen out and if there was a car coming from the opposite direction, I might have been......  My father slowed down and stopped the car on the side of the road and closed the door properly.  I was really quiet after that and sitting very still.

It was after these incidents above, and knowing I always fell and somehow cheated death, my parents decided that if there were to be any functions only my dad would go.

After learning of what had happened to me with all those near misses, that is why I am very very thankful to Allah that I get to live till now, married and have kids of my own.  Probably, It was not my time yet ALLAH has plans for me. 

Dengan nama Allah yang Maha Pengasih dan Pemurah
Segala puji bagi Mu Ya Allah
Aku bersyukur kepada Mu atas nikmat yang Kau limpahkan kepada ku
Aku mohon di beri kesihatan agar dapat beribadat kepada Mu
Aku mohon agar tetap dalam agama mu
Kau ampunkan lah aku Ya Allah
Kau terima lah taubat ku Ya Allah
Jauh kan lah kami dari fitnah hidup, fitnah mati, fitnah kubur, fitnah dajjal and azab api neraka
Sesungguhnya aku adalah hamba Mu yang lemah

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Ada ada aje...

Kita di sebelah asia tenggara memang di kenali dengan sikap bersopan santun, berbudi pekerti and hormat menghormati antara satu sama lain.

Beberapa bulan yang lepas saya dan keluarga bertandang ke kanduri tahlil di ibu negara.  Hari itu hari kedua tuan rumah kembali ke rahmatullah.  Selepas solat ishak and doa tahlil di baca, tetamu yang di kemah begitu ceria sekali.  Ia seperti jamuan menyambut pesta perkahwinan bukan seperti jamuan tahlil.  Rioh rendah sekali di tambah dengan gelak tawa.  Mula mula saya tak kesah sangat, tetapi bila terdengar gelak tawa orang orang di sekeliling, saya rasa pelik juga.  Dalam hati: "Ni kan kenduri arwah.  Napa orang hapi sangat?" 

Saya pun saling berpandangan dengan adik saya kerana heran dengan keolahan tetamu - tak semua lah tetamu macam itu.  Bila saya pikir pikir kalau di daerah saya, tetamu nya walau bercerita atau bersembang pun mereka agak tertib sekali.  Suara tak tinggi, cuma berbisik dan senyum aje.  Dari raut wajah kita dapat lihat ada yang musahabah diri, ada yang walau duduk diam diam tapi mulut nya membaca sesuatu.  Agak nya sedekah Al Fatihah atau berzikir atau terpikir: "kalau ini lah kenduri arwah untuk aku, ada kah orang gelak atau sedekah Al Fatihah buat aku?"  Jelas sekali ini memang lain dari yang lain.  I was shocked!  This was my first encounter.

The next day, saya cerita kat abang saya and he said: "Memang pun."  Dia pun buka cerita bahawa kat certain kampong, sekiranya ada orang meninggal dunia pada tengah malam dan mayat nya cuma dapat di kendalikan pada esok hari, orang2 yang menunggu itu ada sebilangan mereka bermain daun terup bukan nya membacakan surah yasin. Istighar saya di buat nya.  Tapi tak semua cam tu, ada yang tau selok belok ugama mereka memang membaca surah yasin untuk arwah.

Beberapa minggu yang lepas, saya menghadiri kenduri tahlil lagi.  Kali ini di tempat lain di ibu negara juga.  Selepas solat ishak, tetamu dari dalam rumah akan keluar dan duduk di khemah yang di sediakan.  Apabila di persilakan makan, masing masing akan ke meja untuk mengambil makanan.  Yang mengejutkan saya ialah tetamu yang lain belum lagi mengambil makanan, ada sesetengah tetamu tanpa segan silu mengeluarkan plastic (yg di bawa sendiri) untuk "tapau" or "take away" makanan yang di atas meja.  Ada yang sorang tu hingga sudu atau cawan terjatoh masa dia sibuk membungkus makanan.  Tak lari makanan tu mak cik oi!!  Really really shocking to see this kind of behaviour.  Dia buat muka selamba je!!  Lain lah kalau sudah selesai makan mereka membungkus makanan, itu saya tak heran lah.  Memang pun lazim nya tuan rumah akan sediakan plastic.  Ini sebalik nya. Manusia..manusia....

Tetamu yang duduk sebelah adik saya lagi best.  Dia ambil makanan sehingga penuh pingan nya.  Dalam hati adik saya, "lapar betul orang ni!  Boleh abis ke?"  Melopong mulut adik saya di buat nya.  Rupanya sambil dia makan sambil dia simpan dalam plastic yang dia bawa sendiri.  Bila dia menoleh ke arah adik saya, tak segan pula tu dengan muka selamba bertanya: "tak makan?"  Adik saya senyum je....hee..hee

moral of the story:
Jaga lah tingkah laku dan tata terbit ketika kenduri kendara
Hormati lah orang lain
Harus ada sikap malu tertanam dalam diri

Thursday, March 3, 2011


Sunday 27 Feb 2011

Doa tahlil (40 hari) for beloved ayah.  Semoga roh mu di cucuri rahmat dan di tempat kan bersama orang orang yang soleh..amin

Al Fatihah

Pics below are some taken during that day.

24 feb at nenek lumut's house - Diyat, Elma, Aqeel, Izzat
Arabian Nites

27 Feb 2011 - nenek and mama diyana baca yasin

Nasreen & Mak Uda


Lamb Chop

sweet and sour fish

Beef with black pepper

ayam masak merah

peceri nenas

these ladies in charge of distributing buku yasin and sedakah

Izzat and Khairee in charge - for the male guests

Nasib ada baju Khairee for Najiy (handsome kan?) - he came with T shirt and jeans coz baju nya semua sempit

Dewi, Dora and Marina - nenek ayah relatives

Nenek Cik Yun (Nenek lumut youngest sister from Kucing) - real name Hjh Mordiah

Nenek cik yun's daughter in law, grand daughter and daughter

kak Nina, Mak Ngah, colleague, and kak Rudy

Iring and the three musketeers

waktu baca doa tahlil - Izzat and Khairee

Imam in purple, bapa with topi ada design (baju biru)

aunty Rom, mak wa, mak amit and mak uda

kak Diyana

Nasreen and Tasha

Shasha and Kak Rudy - shasha baru bangun tidor

nenek , Pak Usu, Hana and Pak Uda

Abg Yazid (baru tah balik ni from KL), Abg Yamin

Mak Wa (mama diyana), nenek lumut, nenek Cik Yun, nenek seria

group photo with nenek cik yun for remembrance

Abg Remy, Kak Rudy, Mama Elma, Abg Diyad

Usu, nenek, Iring

Elma and Aqeel nearly all have gone apart form family
Ayah akan tetap dalam kenangan dan dalam doa kami semua.

Ya Allah, kami mohon pengampunan mu dan tetapkan lah kami dalam agama mu..amin