Sunday, January 23, 2011

slippers oh slippers

As Salam,

You know, when you look at our body, each has its own functions and purposes.  Eyes for seeing, ears for hearing, nose for breathing, mouth for eating, hands for holding, touching,...legs for walking, kicking, jumping...etc... 

Feet for example bring you to many places that you wanted to go whether it is your favourite place or the place you dredded to go.  These things sometimes we took for granted, until things happened.  Masya Allah, there are many things that Allah created which we as human take for granted.  Ya Allah, may my family and I always be guided and reminded by YOU.

Why I say such things?  You see, sometimes when our mind is thinking of something, your action is doing something different?  Ever come across that yourself?

Anyway, it happend to me this morning while I was about to take my son to his guitar lesson as per the normal sunday routine.  Before going to the car, I took my handbag and handphone, get the car key, and started the car.  My son Khairee sat at the back.

Onward to our destination on the highway to KB, I suddenly look at my feet.  Then I realised that I had worn the wrong "slippers".  It definitely does not match my baju kurung.  I was supposed to get my crocs from the store before going to the car.  All the footweare were put in the store including my crocs because we had our 7th day tahlil for nenek ayah.  I just drove on and didn't bother to turn back.

Arriving at wisma, Khairee went to the music school, while I just walked to the bookstore to get the sunday newspaper and went to the ATM machine wearing the "slippers".  I said to myself, "who cares if someone noticed?  People laugh?  So what!  It can happen to anybody." 

In my mind there are other people who don't even have slippers for footwear.  Some even go barefoot.  Be thankful that I have enough.  I know there are those who will laugh at this even myself.  But once in a while we need to be reminded of those who are less fortunate than us.

Hence, I took the pics below of the "slippers" that I worn.  This is the slippers worn around the garden.  Lawa kan??  Heee..heee


The slippers I wore to town - not my normal crocs

signing off...

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