Friday, October 29, 2010

First Born - Amira

2010 - Amira's 18th Birthday at Fratini

2010 - at Sugar Bun May 2nd

18th years had passed and YOU were the 1st born among your siblings of four, the eldest amongst the cousins from your dad side of the family and the smallest in weight when born at 1.65kg.

I had no complications during pregnancy only the morning sickness for about 3 months.  It all change one day before my maternity leave during the pre natal checkup, they found that my feet was swollen, my headache come and go.  The next day I was admitted straight away.

I remember  it was a Thursday 20/02/1992 I was admitted in the ward and in the morning of Friday 21/02/1992 Dr Boulind came to check on me.  I told him I can't see and I asked him was it day time or nite time.  How can I not see him when he was just in front of me.  When he said day time, I knew something was wrong but didnt know it was serious. During my early pregnancy he mentioned that 1 in 10000 pregnancies, first time mothers will experience Preaclamsia.  I didn't think much about it because I don't have the symtoms.  

After the examination, all I know footsteps were rushing and running and that I was told that I was being prepared to go to OT (Operating Theatre).

Everything happened so fast and they informed my hubby and all I know after signing the consent form, I was rushed to the operating theatre.  When I came round, I was in the maternity ward already.

My first born was named Amira born at 9.20am Friday 21/02/1992 (17 Syaban 1412 hijrah).  I came to around noon.  All I asked my hubby was if the baby was ok.  It was a girl very small and was put in the incubator.    I didn't know how small as I didn't get see the baby until after two days.

I remember I had tidy droplets on my face when I saw here in the incubator so tiny so helpless.  Even her mouth is so small that she need tube to drink her milk.   The sisters (Alice was one of the nurses looking after her) called her " Little mouse" coz she was so tiny.  And they called me Elephant Legs - coz after the birth my legs were still swollen due to water retention.

So, my dear Amira, that is how you came into our lives.  May you succeed in your future undertakings and be blessed always...amin

Monday, October 25, 2010

Turtle Farm - Nasreen school trip


2010 - Nasreen 11th Birthday
 On 12th Oct 2010 was Nasreen's school trip to the Turtle farm and the Bureau Narcortic.  She was excited to go.

6am in the morning I sent her to school.  Her school mates were already there.  Some didn't turn up yet.  They were split in to 2 groups : A & B.  She was in group B and they went on two buses.
Group A went inside the bus as they have accounted all the kids.  The last child came round 6.30am and then they all went into the bus.  They left the school after that.

I told her to sms me once she reaches Liang and the masjid at our kampong so that I can wait for her at the road side.

I came back from work and then change to my sports gear as I was to go for our VB practice for the coming Borneo games in the 1st wk of November.

We started at 5.30pm and I finished by 6pm as Nasreen will be home by then and had to send my second daughter to tuition.

Once home, I was tired and hot.  I told hubby to wait for Nasreen in front of the main road as the bus will drop of her there.

She arrived safely home and excited.  She was also excited as her dad just came back from UK and had goodies from the sister.

By 7pm, I sent Aqeela for tuition.  Gone to the shop to get some stuff and by 8.30pm wait at the tuition till 9pm.  We reached home around 9.30pm and I went to get a light snacks.

I checked status on my PC and then went to sleep by 10.30pm

signing off......

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Second Day Hari Raya Aidil Fitri 2010

Due to busy with Amira's further studies arrangement, my mind was not fully on celebrating Hari Raya Aidil Fitri 2010.  So many things need to be done.  What with her driving test, constant meeting with the relevant authorities, it was draining my energy until the last days of Ramadhan ie four days before Eid I was really sick.  I thanked my husband for helping with her UCAS clearing by meeting with the represetatives from UK at Rizqun and with the hospital arrangement i.e her medical check etc.

29/09/10 Airport - Amira outward bount to UK
I didn't celebrate much.  Did not even visited my sisters and cousins in KB and Seria as well as my friends.  I hope they understand.

2nd day of Hari Raya - 11/09/2010
The above pic was taken during second day of Hari Raya Aidil Fitri before we went to BSB.  We always go to BSB during second day of Hari Raya to visit my husband side of the family.  This year there is something different.  After many years, I managed to finally get our raya photoes taken at the studio so that Amira can bring with her to UK.  I also reprinted 2 sets each for the grandparents which we gave during Hana's birthday in seria.

signing off for now......

Friday, October 8, 2010

lega sikit - 8th Oct

salam all,

Pic on the right is when we went to Putrajaya and stayed at Marriotte Putra Jaya in March 2010.  There are my 3 princesses and prince.

It is nice to reach the weekend.  Sometimes I get to just stay at home and rest.  Sometimes it is quite hectic due to wedding invitation.  But basically I am working not 5 days a week but 7 days a week.  I have kids to take to tuition even saturdays and sundays though this two days are supposed to be off days. 

My dad was admitted two weeks ago due to water in lungs and infections.  He also can't pass urine.  The forner two already been treated now awaiting for his operation.  Betul lah kata orang tua2, senang jaga anak kecil dari pada orang yang sudah lanjut usia.  I was not there all the time but my youngest sister and her male maid who is looking after him.  Not much movement for my dad though I head he sometimes frequently go to the toilet.  But everytime I see him he is asleep and sometimes he talked in his sleep and mumble.

With my eldest now safely in UK, that's one part done.  It is now for the second daughter (Aqeela) to sit for her public exam ( O Level) as well as the youngest one (Nasreen) PSR exam.  Nasreen has finished it yesterday 7th  October.  She was so happy to get it over with.

Nasreen, mama is sorry for not being able to sit down with you and go through the past papers.  I feel guilty.  I relied on her tuition teacher only.  Yesterday, coming back from ugama, she has plans already to have her friends coming over on Friday.  Friday afternoon she will have her hip hop as usual.

This coming sunday we will be going for another wedding invitation then in the afternoon to my sister in law's house for doa selamat wida. I wish I could go again to perform umrah and/or haj.  Insya Allah my aim for another Haj in 2012 and umrah either end of this or next year.  Insya Allah.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Bon voyage

As Salam,

After all the hectic of meetings to arrange for Amy eldest daughter's (Amira) studies, finally 29th September 2010, my daughter and her dad left for UK.

Got the visa on 23rd Sept 2010

27th Sept 2010, she got scholarship Letter of Offer.

28th Sept she got her allowances.

29th Sept 2010, her contract signing and claims submitted.

We had lunch at Ice Cafe (shabu2), went to Masjid Jamik for solat zohor.  After that we went straight to the airport for early checkin by 3.30pm.  We were the early arrival.  I was worried the suitcases which were 60kg in total.  Her entitlement is 35kg (20kg plus 15kg extra for 1st year student).  My hubby got 20kg. 

Alhamdulillah, there was no access to be paid as she travel with her dad.  We could have ended up to pay for the access baggage i.e at B$63p/kg.  That is a lot of money.

After that we rested at my brother in law's house, solat asar, both my daughter and hubby showered to refresh themselves due the long journey ahead.

For their temporary accommodation in Cardiff, I booked online but cost more than usual due to during that week there was Ryder Golf event.  Any event will shoot up the hotel rates.
We went to the airport by 6pm.  The grandparents were there and the cousins.  She was so excited to go.  She didn't cry at the airport probably because she was used to travel. During form 4 in 2007, she went to Spore for the International Camp of the NUS Business Incubation of Global Organisations. In March 2009 we went for umrah to Saudi Arabia, and the same year she was sponsored for a trip to Okinawa, Japan by Japan Embassy (only 2 representatives from our country) for the Asian Youth Exchange Program.

In 2010 she went on her school trip for the Tinamun (United Nations style) in Singapore, then in July she went to Egypt.

She had all the different visas in her passport.

On their arrival at the London Heathrow airport, representative from Brunei Hall were there to greet them and brought them to Brunei Hall for a briefing.  They also helped arrange for chartered estate car with driver to take them to Cardiff.  Alhamdulillah.  Can't imagine if they went on their own, carry the luggages would be troublesom.

Once checked in at the Tanes Hotel in Cardiff, they went to the Internatiol office at UWIC by 3pm.  They were shown the Plasgwyn hall of residence but not decided to stay there or not.

On Friday 1st Oct, she went for registration etc.

On saturday 2nd Oct or Sunday 3rd Oct, they moved to their new accommodation at monthly rental of GBP270 inclusive utilities.

This coming Friday 8th Oct 2010, they will open the bank account.  So surprising that when I was studying there, all they need was a financial gaurantee and the letter offer (can't remember).  But now they need letter from the Uni which took 3 days.  To open account need to make appointment.  For Lloyds and NatWest it took longer i.e the appointment will be in November. So they go for the next best thing.  Hopefully all goes well this coming Friday.  As she needs it to inform Brunei hall if not she will not receive her monthly allowances.

She sms me to chat last nite ( 5/10/10).  Told her to wait 15mins as I was still driving to pick my second daugher - Aqeel.  We (my youngest daughter and myself) chatted with them.  But the video call was lagging.  She was asking for AA and AK (her siblings) but they were already asleep.  I somehow don't know how to use Skype.  Hopefully this coming sunday when we have our Doa selamt Wida at iring's (sis in law) house, we can chat further.  Have inform her to stand by.  But the internet there is not as good according to her.  Lagging!

She had her 1st lectures monday 4th Oct.  She walked to campus with her housemates. There are 4 of them in a house.  She only see her dad after 4.30pm when she finishes her lectures with 3 hours break in between.

Her dad will leave on Monday 11th Oct, so I don't know how she will cope after that.  She can do it, I know.

Good luck Amira and all the best to you.  Mama and the rest doakan you berjaya.

signing off

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

7th sept 2010 - Amira's Driving test

As Salam,
It has been quite a while since I last posted in the blog.

On 7th September 2010, my eldest daughter sat for the practical driving test.  On that day i.e. 3 days before Aidil Fitri, I was sick the whole week.  But I have to send her to the Land Transport Dept.  We arrived 7.30am and she finished 11am.  I waited in the car and slept without the aircond on.  Luckily it was not so hot.  When I awoke, I checked whether she has finished or not yet.  Still not finished yet, then continue with my sleep.
Then near to 11am she sms me to go to the office as she need B$10.  She told me she passed and need the money for the driving licence.  I was happy she passed it.  She is also excited because before she left for her futher studies she got her driving licence.  On the day of the test, she meet a number of her classmates taking the practical test as well.  Fortunately, all of them passed the test.  They were laughing at one another and one friend couldn't even look at her when she did the parking cause she didn't want to see if my daughter hit the pole or not.  Same goes with my daughter when her friends did the test.  My daughter said the guy from the land transport was not smiling.  So she was afraid she failed.
She got the driving licence the same day, and she drove me and her friend back home.