Monday, November 29, 2010

Pedas White Water Rafting & Twin Island 2010

~  22 november 2010 - Day 1  ~

About to leave for airport
At airport before departure
22 Nov 2010 - Arrival at KK airport
One Borneo KK

Dinner at Old Town white coffee
Munirah, Hirzie, Aqeel, Michelle, Azmil & Diyana's bday

16 tickets for Harry Potter & The Dark Hallows

23 Nov 2010 - Day 2 about to leave for Peds rafting

From here can see the Islands
Crocker Range Park Station, Keningau
Aqeela had been planning for an oversea trip for 3 years (i.e. after O level) with her close friends. I only knew of this in 2010. They wanted to go to KL but I won't allow as it is dangerous as they are youngsters ages 16 - 17 of age. I told her to go to KK instead as she can have many activities to do there.

I did ask who will accompany them since I will not be going. After they discussed among themselves, all I know was that they decided to have me as their "chaperon" knowing that if I go their parents will allow them to go.

So 3 months ago, I knew of this. I kesian my daughter since last year in 2009, on her 16th birthday we went to Haj. So you can imagine she is really looking forward to this trip. But to make things interesting for them, I asked what they plan to do in KK. I have a few up my sleeves as well.

I manage to find the travel agent in KK to do the Pedas white water rafting and the Twin island Trip. 

Day 1 was shoping. dinner for birthday celebrant for Oct, Nov & Dec.  After that watching Harry Potter & The Deadly Hallows: Part 1 movie.  

will update again for Day 2.......

signing off now.................

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Happy Birthday Sam

2nd Nov 2009 - kenangan mengadap HM for Haj pilgrimage

~  27th November 2010  ~

~   Happy Birthday  ~

Semoga panjang umur, murah rezki

Di permudahkan segala urusan

Tetap iman

Dan dalam rahmat dan Perlindungan Allah


Thank you for being my life long friend

Friday, November 26, 2010

Happy Birthday Bapa

~  26th November 2010  ~

~  HAPPY 50th BIRTHDAY  to my dearest husband ~

Semoga di panjangkan umur

Di murahkan rezeki

Di beri kesihatan rohani dan jasmani

Dalam rahmat dan perlindungan Allah hendaknya


p/s Thank you for being my life time partner

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Selamat Hari Raya Aidil Adha 2010

As Salam semua,
Selamat menyambut Hari Raya Aidil Adha buat semua umat islam.  Semoga kita sama sama merenungi erti pengorbanan dan sirah asal usul pengorbanan itu.


Saturday, November 13, 2010

Letting Go - Amira to London

on board a cruiser - Putrajaya Mar 2010

Looking at the shoes on the pic above and after chating with Amira, she decided to go to London to visit her ex classmates this weekend.  My baby is taking footsteps to travel alone on her own to London.  She traveled to London by coach at 0630 hours.  She also said she walked to the coach station.  That even worries me especially early in the morning.  So many things come up to my mind.

As a mother, I am worried.  My baby all alone in UK.  Semoga perjalanan mu di permudahkan, selamat pergi dan kembali....amin.

I hope she will sms or msn me from London.  I am sure she will have lots to talk about with her ex classmates.

Yes, She sms me to say she arrived safely in London.  She also greeted me on my 49th Birthday.


Wednesday, November 10, 2010


Feb 1996 - 11 months
Nigeria 1997

Two weeks ago, dancing teachers from Taiwan came to my kids school.  A one day session was held for them to teach the primary and secondary school some traditional dancing steps as well as some handy crafts.  My girl Nasreen liked it because she enjoys dancing as she is taking part in Hip Hop Club.

My son Khairee, took some karate lessons a few years back but never completed it due to school commitment.

On the evening itself, I saw Khairee wearing a trouser looked like the school dragon team's uniform.  I specifically remember that he does not own one.  It was after dinner when he was about to walk to his room, he suddenly turned back.

He was smilling and said to me, "Did you know whose trouser this is?"  I said, "Mr Jim." (Coz the trouser looked really big on him).

With his mischievious smile, he said, "No."  I asked whose was it.  He said, "Something happened at school today."

"You know we had a teacher from Taiwan, right?", he asked.

I said, "yes."

He continued saying, "I was mining my own business on learning the dance.  It involved some sort of Kung Fu.  When he showed the part about kicking, I wanted to kick really high.  Upon trying that particular move, my trouser made a big 'krack' sound."

He said everybody was tired during that time but on hearing the big "krrraaaaaakkkk", everybody was very alert and turning to where the sound came from.  By then I can't help myself but laugh.  He was also talking and laughing at the same time.

Turning to his teacher, he said, "Cher, i need to go to the back (speaking to his teacher in chinese)."  At the same time using his hands to cover his butt where the big hole was.

He was sitting at the back of the hall thinking what to do next.  He decided to go to the staff room to call home and asked to be picked up.  On the way to the staff room, he met Mr Lim, who asked what was wrong.  He told him about his trouser and Mr Lim told him to use his spare trouser.  No wonder the trouser looked so big.

His friends were surprised to see how quick he changed and coming back to continue the session.  They didn't realise that he was wearing Mr Lim's trouser.  He then said, putting his trouser with the big hole to his face, "Pee-ka-Boo!!"  Everybody was laughing when he did that.

Mr Lim wanted to take picture of his trouser but he said no.

He told me that he was supposed to wear his PE clothes but he forgot.

That's Khairee.

signing off........

Thursday, November 4, 2010

0213 hours - Aqeela

~  Look at You  ~

Born 04/11/1993

Taken 1996 during Hari Raya - Aqeel at 2 years 3 months

You were the heaviest and the 2nd longest among your siblings and the only one born the normal way.  You were named Aqeela and the second among your siblings of four.  Your skin is white, your hair as dark as nite, dark round eyes and you were and are still cute.  You still have that mischievious smile!!  Just look at the pics above, it says it all!!

I had contractions coming on and off the week before you were born.  I waited until the timing of the contractions 10 minutes apart only then your dad and I went to the hospital.  At the maternity ward, the sisters got things ready and monitored me and made the necessary check up.  Since this was my first experience to give birth the normal way, they told me to listen to the midwife ( I still remember she is sister Jackie)who guided me during labour.  The prenatal breathing exercises did help as well.  But sometimes due to the pain, I forgot about the breathing.

Once in the labour room, I remember when the contractions were a few minutes apart, while you were still in the tummy, you were impatiently pushing to come out.  But the midwife told me to hold because they want to make sure your neck was free from the cord.   But I cannot hold as you were eager to come out.  So, Aqeel, remember to learn to be PATIENT in life.

Your dad has the experience of being there at the labour room when you were born.  No doctors this time as there was no complications.  And I had the experience of giving birth the normal way unlike the other three.  I can tell you the pain was excruciating.  In fact, I can still feel it!..No wonder we were told that "Syurga adalah di bawah telapak kaki ibu".  The amount of $$$$$$ can never repay for the pain and the 9 months 10 days of carrying a baby in the tummy.  And you know what? It is every mother's prayers and wishes during pregnancy and when the baby is born that it is healthy, cukup sifat, and that it gets to grow and live longer and be successful in their lives and have family of their own.  The prayers from parents are ENDLESS.

To Amira, please do not feel bad as I didn't manage to include your baby pics in the blog I did earlier.  You are still LOVED all the same (I steal this expression from you Aqeel)!Insya Allah will do so next time as I am still new in "blogging"!

Aqeel,  during my pregnancy, I had the normal morning sickness and active in sports.  I even played netball.  When you were a baby, it was easy to take care of you as you only cry when you need to be fed and/or cleaned.  You were quite observant even at a younger age.  I remember when you were in PHC, your teacher (forgot her name - now moved to Canada) called YOU her shadow coz you kept following her where ever she went.  Will write about this in the months to come......

So Aqeel, at 0213 hours weighing 2.98kg at 52cm long YOU were born on 4th November 1993 (19 Jamadilawal 1414 hijrah).  That was how you come into our lives.

signing off......

Happy 17th Birthday To Aqeela

Sunway Lagoon 19th Dec 2008 

Tangkuban Perahu, Bandung 25th March 2008

Nov 25th March 2008 - Bandung
March 2010 Putrajaya - Alamanda (waiting to watch Alice In Wonderland)
~  You Are Sixteen Going On Seventeen  ~


Today you are seventeen !

Semoga Aqeel sentiasa dalam rahmat dan kasih sayang Allah SWT

Diberikan kesihatan yang baik

Dimurahkan rezeki

Dipanjangkan umur


Menjadi insan yang berguna kepada Agama, Bangsa & Negara

Semoga cemerlang di dunia & akhirat.