Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Asia to Africa - Part III

~ Part 3 - PHC, Nigeria - 1996 to 1999 ~

The saturday was the first time we went around town.  The same nite I think we were to attend a welcoming dinner by my husband's manager.  We met a few others during the dinner from europe, asia but mostly europe.

When the manager heard that we went to town and have a look around the place, he was shocked.  While my husband went to report for work, I was visited by the expat representative and briefed me on what were the activities there at the camp, school for the kids etc.  I think I reported to work one week later.
When we arrived, we had a nanny ready waiting for us arranged by our ex-nigerian colleague ahead of our arrival.  I remember her name: Rosalind.  So I had one thing less to worry.  Only my eldest daughter Amira and second daughter Aqeel going to school in the kindergarten.  While Khairee will be at home with me for the time being and get to know Rosalind.

We were given a guest house until they allocated us a new permanent at the residential area.  All fully furnished.  But to move to our new house, we had to choose what we want e.g beds for the kids, settee, table etc for the living room, dining table and chairs etc.  There were all not ready made but have to order.  We had to work with the HR to get what we want.  They were very helpful. We were happy settling in for now....

To be continued.....

Sunday, July 5, 2015

1st july 2015 (14 Ramadhan 1436)


After about 34 years of service, today is the day I said goodbye to working life.
The last three days was very hectic.  As my successor is not on seat, it was decided 2 months before I leave to handover to 5-6 different person.

Unoffically I have handed over to them prior the formal email from my supervisor. But the last three days one after another came to ask various things before I leave.  Normally the last day was used to say good bye to friends and colleagues, but these three days I worked late. It was also Ramadhan and people left around 1.30pm.  This is the specialty in our country that during Ramadhan, the working hours was shorten from 8 to 6hours.

I managed to say goodbye whom are still at the office.

I don't feel sad leaving.  In fact I felt relief as if a whole load of burden have been taken off my shoulders.  Looking back, I never thought I could reach this far.  There were ups and downs in life, I felt blessed having known many who came to my life be it local or expats and having gain knowledge as well as sharing the knowledge I have with them.

I thank Allah for the countless blessings that was given to me through out my life.
May Allah grand taufiq & hidayah to enable me to use what time is left, for my devotion to Allah.  May Allah grand good health so that my worship towards Allah is undettered.
We seek your forgiveness, ya Allah.

The starts of new chapters towards kehidupan Hakiki.

Monday, May 11, 2015

Happy 16th Birthday Nasreen

11 May 2015 (22 Rejab 1436)
It was 16 years ago that you were born.  She is my youngest daughter who will be sitting her O level this year.
Selamat Hari Lahir Nasreen
Semuga sukses selalu
Menjadi anak yang solehah
Berjaya dunia dan akhirat
Dirahmati dan dilindungi Allah
Dipermudahkan semua urusan

Ditemukan jodoh yang soleh
Serta Selamat Dunia Akhirat


Thursday, May 7, 2015

berkhatan (circumcision)

As salam,

That was the year 2007.  Big day for Khairee and Affan.  The day they become a man.  It was school holidays. That was the time the the boys age between 8 -12 will be going to the hospital for the "circumcision" in our country.  We plan to have Khairee's done at the hospital near our place.  But eventually, it was done in the hospital at the capital city with his cousin Affan.  We decided to go for the full anestatic as well as for Affan.

Looking at the two boys, they were not afraid and they were busy playing with their gameboys.  As usual when they meet, always talking about video games etc.  Well, at least it kept the circumcision off their minds.

They took turn to go to the operating theatre.  Affan went in first then Khairee.  I am sure you boys will remember it!

Now both of you are in Universities.  Khairee in 2nd year while Affan in 1st year.  May you both be successful in your life in this dunia and hereafter.  Aamiin.

But in my eyes, Khairee is still my baby.  I think that is what every mother's feel no matter how old the children are.

Well boys, your future is still around the corner waiting for you to make your foot print....not a long way....

Dulu dan Sekarang


26th April 2012

Semasa berada di UK,  saya dapati banyak perubahan.     Yang ketara memang lah pembangunan negeri itu.  Bagi saya yang sudah lama tidak ke UK, sekitar 24-25 tahun,  kini teknologi memain peranan.

Masa saya belajar dulu, computer cuma ada di perpustakaan.  Itu pun boleh di kira berapa biji.  Kena berebut pula bila nak menggunakan nya.  Kadang kaang kena tunggu berhari hari untuk menggunakannya.  Sekarang tiap seorang pelajar dengan laptop masing masing di bawa ke hulu ke hilir.

Dulu kalau nak telefon balik kampong sebulan sekali.  Masa bercakap tak sampai 10 minit habis GBP20.  Surat dikirim setiap minggu.  Bila postman datang masa hari sabtu, kita berlari turun bila mendengar 'letter box" ada benda masok.  hee..hee..  Sekarang ini tak payah tulis surat.  Berita keluarga boleh di dapati dengan cepat sekali dengan menggunakan skype, viber, whatsapp, dan macam macam lagi melalui internet dan free pula tu.

Tiket keretapi dulu bila nak beli kena pergi train station.  Sekarang ni, tiket kapal terbang, tiket keretapi, tiket bas, semua melalui 'online'.  Nak order makan pun online.  Pokok nya tak yah keluar rumah pun boleh.  Nak beli handphone ke dan sebagai nya semua online.  Senang!  Tapi saya seorang yang suka "window shopping".  Lebih lebih lagi kedai buku.  WH Smith, memang jadi tumpuan hujung minggu, sehinggu duduk di satu sudut untuk membaca buku jika tak mampu nak beli.

Apa apa pun, ia kisah di suatu masa dulu.... Tapi saya bila belayar ke luar negeri, mesti mengirim pos kad ke rumah untuk kenangan and yang penting setem nya.  Kini anak anak turut ikut bila mereka membuat lawatan ke luar negeri.

Walau pun kita mengikut arus kecangihan benda benda IT, I am still ME.  Taking pictures is still a hoby of mine....Sampai anak anak bosan kena suruh berhenti untuk bergambar...Its just me making sure every moments are captured...I know one day they will look at the pictures.


~  BTEC 1982 to 1985  ~

It was in 1982 that I met these beautiful ladies and finished our BTEC at MTSSR in 1985.  Many years have gone by and I didn't realised that we had become close friends.  I have never met these ladies before as I was from diffeent school while some of them knew one another already either from the same school or from work.  We were the first batch taking this sponsorship.  There were 5 males and 10 females taking this course at the porta cabin at HLD training center.  There were three tutors i.e. one lady by the name of Elisabeth and the other two are male (Russel & Bert).  We had so much memories at that porta cabin.  Now the porta cabin is no longer there.

The 2nd year, only 6 of the ladies continued to MTSSR in Muara, while the others went back to work to various departments in the company.  That was in 1983, I met a new entrant from our company Hjh S.  We were all under sponsorship i.e. we are working ladies and studying at the same time.  I didn't realise that my friendships with these ladies would last till now.  The other 5 entrants were from Gov't sponsorship.  You can say it felt awkward as we were from different district and they were from other districts.  Dialect and culture differences.

Lunch time was scarry in the first place.  We decided not to go to the hall.  But when the principal found out, he said we were snobs!  In  fact we dredded to go to the hall for lunch as we felt all eyes were on us due to we dressed differently.  We are working ladies!!  Though at a young age in our 20's, but we are matured working ladies having resposibilites.

I stayed with S & Hjh S at S's cousin flat (who is single during that time).  That was our home for 2 years.  We were blessed as we didn't pay for rent & utilities either.  We just make sure to take good care of it and keep it clean.

As for transport, S's will pick us up and every Thursday we went home.  Sunday we made a day trip to MTSSR.  I think this place has turned into a one of the polytechnic/university in the country.

Looking back, memories come back reminding me how fortunate my life has been all these time.  Thank you Allah who has always been there for me and my families.  Please grant me, my families and all my friends to be in the right path.  Aamiin.

signing off......