Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Yang di Tunggu Tunggu


Hari yang di nanti nantikan tiba akhirnya pada hari ini 27hb July 2011.  Saya mengenali mereka dari buku buku dan TV.  Buku buku mereka ada yang dibaca sehingga beberapa kali kerana tips yang di berikan amat berguna bagi saya.

Di sebelah pagi tadi saya mengikuti mesyuarat bagi memasti kan semuanya disediakan bagi kedatangan mereka.  Tak sabar rasa nya.  Dari semalam saya sudah tak senang duduk ditakuti akan ada halangan seperti flight delay dan sebagai nya.  Selepas mesyuarat, saya singgah ke rumah dan dalam jam 11.30 pagi; saya bertolak ke ibu kota bagi menyambut mereka di lapangan terbang.  Sepanjangan perjalanan bibir tak henti henti berdoa dan berzikir moga Allah permudahkan semuanya.

Sampai di lapangan terbang, saya perhatikan kapal terbang yang akan datang di board ketibaan.  Ternyata yang tertera di board  waktu ketibaan adalah 1550 petang.  Rupa rupanya saya tersalah waktu ketibaan mereka di sebabkan terlalu risau.  Alhamdulillah dengan waktu yang terluang, saya singgah ke kedai bagi membeli buah tangan buat mereka sekeluarga.  Semoga ia nya jadi kenangan sepanjang hayat buat mereka ketika berada di negeri "Abode of Peace" ini dan semoga mereka mendoakan kesejahteraan kami sekeluarga dan negeri ini.

Rasa macam tak percaya, bila meliat mereka di depan mata ketika keluar dari pintu ruang ketibaan.  Rasa nak menjerit ada, nak menangis pun ada.

Mereka di tempatkan di hotel terkemuka di Hotel Rizqun.

Selamat datang buat Prof dan keluarga dan terima kasih banyak banyak menghadiahkan buku Travelog Haji: Mengubah Sempadan Iman yang di sertakan dengan kata kata dan autograph sekali.

Semoga prof & keluarga di rahmati Allah.  Amin 

Saturday, July 23, 2011



Liang Forestry

Lama diri ini menghilang tanpa ada penulisan dan update baru di blog ni.  Yang di post baru baru ini cuma penulisan draft yang sudah berbulan lama nya yang belum di siarkan.


Beberapa bulan kebelakangan ini banyak perkara yang berlaku yang membuat diri berfikir...berfikir dan berfikir... melihat dalam diri ini.

Blog blog yang selalu di baca membuat diri mengimbas masa lalu.  Mengenang tingkah laku dan perbuatan yang lampau.  Macam macam pertanyaan yang bermain di  fikiran ... adakah ... adakah .... adakah ...???

Dengan usia yang akan menjangkau ke ambang separuh abat, membuat diri tertanya tanya akan amalan amalan yang dikerjakan selama ini.  Menangisi diri adakah ia di tahap yang tertinggi?  Adakah ia ikhlas? Ada kah sifat riak dalam diri?  Adakah amalan di terima Allah? 

Adakah diri ini seperti pokok tanpa dedaun yang rimbun?  Adakah diri ini seperti padang pasir yang kegersangan tanpa air?  Semoga diri ini sentiasa di perlihatkan oleh Allah akan ciptaan Nya yang maha luas di langit dan di bumi.

Dengan ini izin kan diri ini memohon...

Ya Allah, aku adalah manusia yang lemah.  Aku mohon pengampunan Mu, Ya Allah.  Sesungguhnya Kau yang maha pengampun.  Ampunkan lah aku.

Ya Allah,  bantulah akan kami agar selalu menyebut nama Mu, mengingati nama Mu, bersyukur kepada Mu, dan membaguskan ibadat kami terhadap Mu.

Ya Allah, Kau ketuklah pintu hati kami agar sentiasa meningati Mu.

Amin amin yaarabbalalamin

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

PutraJaya & Bukit Tinggi 2010

Day 1 - 20 March 2010

This time our family trip in 2010 was going to Putrajaya and Bukit Tinggi.  We went with our closest friend who normally went with us during family outing when ever golf is involved.  The plan for the dads to play golf and the site visits for the mothers and kids.  I normally will arrange in such a way that we make a point to visit places of interest etc.  I had reservation about going to Putrajaya as to me it is an industrial area.  Anyway, since we have never been there and there are many golf courses there, it was agreed to go there.  Pics below are the time of our arrival in Putrajaya Marriott Hotel.

D1 20 March 2010 - KL LCCT after baggage retrieval

In the hired van on the way to Putrajaya after arrival

Arriving at Marriotte Hotel Putrajaya

Asia To Africa - Part I

~ Part 1- PHC, NIGERIA - 1996 to 1999 ~

During 1996, it was a big move for my family and I. My husband got cross posted to Nigeria in order to get exposure – that was what the company said during that time in order for him to move up. Our move to Nigeria was known to colleagues where we work. Most of them thought we must be out of our mind to go there since there were lots of negative things about Nigeria that we all heard.

We discussed about it and decided to go ahead with it. We had three children during that time. Amira being the eldest age 4 years 4 months, Aqeela age 2 years 7 months and Khairee age 1 year 3 months. For my case, there was no plan for me for the posting but my department head at that time Mr Jim Smitheman who had been in Nigeria before made the necessary arrangement for me to go on dual posting. A nigerian guy name Lauwrence Agbara came to Brunei while I went to SPDC.  That was how our lives started and I got to experience working in other company. I really thanked him for the support.

Before our departure to Nigeria, we talked to expats and locals who had been to Nigeria.  We also talked to Nigerians who were working with us. One of them, a Mr Ubani, who worked in operations who was also about to go back that year. He was the one who helped and made arrangement for a nanny to be available when we arrived. He was the one who said, “Come to Nigeria with open mind.”  So, that was what we did.

Hearing about the difficulty in getting food espcially our local food, we made arrangement to get rice, baby powder milk, canned food, fridge, freezer, TV, CDs, bread maker, diapers, food stuff etc in the sea freight. We made sure the validity of the expiry date.  We also sent some by airfreight.  Why we bring rice?  This was because the locals who had been there said the rice does not taste as good compared to the ones we used to eat back home. You can imagine how our house looked like at that time.  Just like a warehouse! Since the sea freight took 2 months to arrive in Nigeria, we sent 2 weeks before we left.

After all things ready, in June 1996 we as a family left for Nigeria transitting via Amsterdam, Holland staying overnight there for cultural briefing.  While my husband and I were at the briefing, they arranged for my kids to be looked after by a nanny (Nanny Bin my kids called her.  See pic below). We also managed to visit the park etc in Amsterdam. During our time, we had to use 4 different aircrafts to get to our destination in PHC, Nigeria.  There was no direct flight during those days.

04/06/1996 - Tulip Inn Hotel, Amsterdam

At Lagos airport, the company representative was waiting for us after the immigration check. There were so many black people there. That was the first time ever for me to have seen so many of them. Coming through the immigration of course they were people from other European countries and some few Asian. But the Nigerians were friendly especially to the ladies and children. Ladies and children always get to pass through first. For the men, they needed to queue up to pass through immigration.

We were brought to a bus where it took us to Sheraton hotel in Lagos.  The next day we flew to PHC the fokker.

signing off ........