Monday, February 28, 2011

Samsa Admission & Orientation

28 Feb 2011 - Today is the day for Aqeela, Elma & Izzat's admission to Samsa.  Aqeel and I left early ie 6.30am.  We reached KB by 7am and went for breakfast while waiting for Elma, Izzat, Aravin and mama elma.  We had light breakfast.  The kids are anxious - one didn't want to eat due to afraid of going to the toilets, one mentioned having butterfly in tummy, one mentioned having a dream of going to first day of school last nite, one mentioned of not having their friends in the same class etc...etc....hmmm

We queued up in front of the multi purpose hall.  Booklets and program were given once we were seated.  Students sat in front while the parents sat at the back.  Bapa also came for the briefing.  The students will start the orientation in the afternoon.  Aqeel brought her PE clothes.  One mother who sat next to mama Elma, had to go back cause the daughter forgot to bring the PE clothes.  Izzat in SC1, Aqeel in SC2 and Elma in HF4.  They got the timetable, the subjects they chosen and the rooms where they will be going to for each subjects for the next 1 year 10 months. 

My goodness, I reached home by 11.30am then to office by 12pm.  Due to many people, the hall is too hot for me and my head is spinning and having headache.  But whatever the occassion is, I will always make sure I bring my camera no matter what.  See below pictures taken during the admission.

Ready to go to Samsa from home

1st customers having breakfast at Nul Hajika Wisma Yakin

New hair cut yo!

cam ani tah muka first day of school

Wisma Yakin carpak

On arrival at Samsa carpark - of course they bising2 lah malu ambil gambar

Queuing up in front of the multi purpose hall

seated before the opening. senyum menahan rasa tu.  Dlm hati siapa cikgu ku ah?  Baik kah?  Siapa classmates ku ah?
Aravin and Izzat - Pra-U bro!  How do you feel?

Break time for refreshments - this is the multipurpose hall.  Looking forward to new school ladies?

Admission done, timetable in hand, name tag given - all smiles outside the hall 

kenangan 1st day admission at Samsa

Samsa's carpark about to go home.  Your future is in your hands kids!! Good luck!

Samsa's carpark - girls to Qaqa's house and boys to Hirzie's house as afternoon orientation starts at 1.30pm

~  To Aqeela and friends  ~

 ~  may you succeed in your studies, tekun belajar, tetap iman  ~

~  Di permudahkan semua urusun baik dunia maupun akhirat  ~

~  Amin  ~

Monday, February 21, 2011

Happy birthday Amira

~ Happy 19 birthday ~

~ To my dearest Amira ~


1993 - Lorong 8

Port Harcourt, Nigeria - 1998

No matter how many birthdays come and go

You will always be my little girl

It's your birthday and I can't be there

But I'll send you a special birthday wish and a little prayer

Have a happy birthday

I hope that all of your birthday wishes come true

May you have a great time today and find happiness in everything you do. 
Semoga berjaya dunia akhirat
Dalam rahmat dan perlindong Allah

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Maulidul Rasul

15 Feb 2011(12 Rabiulawal 1432) - Every year there will be a march pass held in all four districts to remember the sacrifices our Prophet gave to his ummah.  Pics below were some which I took.  May His ways, His teachings, His sacrifices etc be instill into us and enable us to follow his ways and become a better ummah.


All gathered at this field

ladies from various bodies and organisations

ladies stayed at the Padang - maulidul song, dikir, marhaban, poem

match pass by the guys only
Semoga Allah Taala memberikan rahmatNya ke atas junjungan kita Nabi Muhammad s.a.w dan mensejahterakannya begitu jua ke atas sahabat sahabatnya.  Dan segala puji itu bagi Allah Taala sekalian alam. 

Five Monkeys

Pictures below were taken on 21 Nov 2008 when kaka was about to finish her O level exam.  You still remember the Five Monkeys, Ka?

R These the 5 M ? 

those not swimming play other games

baked macaroni, chicken wings, etc

playing Uno
Chit chat after the swimming and eating

Some just chit chat after the swim, some play Wii, some play PS2.......Those who got their A level results last week will be preparing for thier overseas studies etc.  Some may go to the local higher education.  Good luck all.  Wonder when your next reunion with them Ka?  Wonder you contacted them or not?  How's Chen Kit in OZ down under?  Hope you recall those sweet memories with them.  May your friendships with them last a life time........

Saturday, February 12, 2011

10 Feb 2011

As salam,
Thursday 10 Feb 2011 was another tahlil day for nenek ayah at nenek's house.  Abg Azrin was the imam since Abg Yamin went to KL to process Abg Yazid's scholarship.  Abg Yamin will be back next week.

Foods for the night were brought by various people as sedekah.  Jazakallauh to those who contributed.  May Allah gives his blessings for the good things you all did.

Below are pics from that day.

nenek, mak wa, aunty raya, mak uda

Mak Ngah, Nasreen

Bacaan surah Yasin

Elma, Aqeel - doa lepas bacaan surat Yasin

Tasha and Nasreen

Izzat and Khairee

putu mayang

kueh cara

Macaroni Bakar

Shepherd Pie

Singapore Mee Kuah

Satay Daging

Kuah Satay

kuai Teow

Toppings for Singapore Mee Kuah

Bubur kacang hijau

Abg Azrin, Abg Bon, Pak Ngah

Bingka Cheese

Sedap nampak makan tu Ka Nina? Mak Ngah and Ka Leela sempat posing.

selesai makan2

Izzat, Aqeel, Usu Mol, Mak Wa (sitting), Elma, Aunty Raya
Some of the dishes are kaka's favourites.  Nenek ayah loved the bubur kacang hijau.  May Allah cucuri rahmat nya ke atas roh ayah.  Amin.  We miss you.